Bjørn Hagen
Medlem siden 2013.
Mobil: +47 452 22 377
- Associate Senior Adviser for Redd Barna
Hoved forretnings/interesseområde
- Spesiell konsentrasjon omkring virksomheten i South East Europe. hagenIMPACT med hovedformål konsulentvirksomhet innen bedriftsledelse fortrinnsvis ovenfor frivillige organisasjoner.
- I have 27 years development experience at management/CEO level after 15 years of business sector engagement, 10 of which as CEO.
- In addition to the overall responsibility for all activities of the different organizations, I have lived in eight countries around the world and covered projects in 15 developing countries.
- I have been particularly involved in strategic thinking and development, team building, fundraising and high level interaction and lobbying with a great variety of donors and stakeholders as well as re-structuring organizations and development programs for efficiency and effectiveness in a result and growth oriented manner.
- I have been and still am an active Board member of organizations.